Feb 24, 2020, 15:00 PM
Brett Tutor is the handsome, charismatic carpenter on TLC’s hit series Trading Spaces. Before the show, he has been a home inspector, home flipper, contractor and even spent time as a rafting and rock-climbing guide for an adventure outfitter. With what seems to be an endless list of talents, we’re thrilled to have Brett here at the Nashville Home + Remodeling Expo!
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We sat down with Brett and he answered some questions to help us get to know him better with some fun facts, along with some home and decor tips. 
Q:  What’s an easy DIY project that homeowners can tackle to improve their space?
Brett: The easiest project that homeowners can tackle themselves is PAINT! Paint it and go nuts! Paint is a fun, quick way to makeover any room in a big way! And the risk is small. I am huge fan of new trowel on textures which can completely change the look and feel of a space. Educate yourself on VOCs if you haven't already and make sure to select a healthy paint!
Q:  What was the last picture you took with your phone?
Brett: The last picture I took on my phone was a screen shot of a quote that I saw and liked. "To have, you must do, to do you must be."
Q: If you had to move to another country, which would you pick and why?
Brett: If I had to move to another country it would definitely be Costa Rica. I spent the entire month of December there. It is heaven for us surfers, but I just love the people. The country’s motto kind of sums it up: "Pura Vida" (The Pure Life)
Q: What’s one thing we wouldn’t guess about you?  
Brett: The one thing that you may not guess about me is that I used to absolutely hate carpentry. I had to do it when I was young. Life is so funny - now I’m doing it professionally and I absolutely love it now! 
Q: What’s a common mistake that homeowners make when they take on a home improvement project themselves? 
Brett: The most common mistake that I see homeowners do when taking on a home renovation is thinking that their renovation is going to go like the renovation that they just saw on TV! It will always, always take more time and more money than you think! 
Q: The three things I can’t live without are: 
1. Friends
2. Family 
3. Good coffee and good wine (to make four!) 
Q:  What’s a must-have at any party you’re throwing?
Brett: A must have a party that I am throwing is GOOD MUSIC! That is all that really matters at a party if you ask me. 
Q: What project have you been most proud to work on?
Brett: The work that I am the most proud of is some relief work I did in Panama. We built a birthing house and a bathroom in a very remote village in the jungles of Panama. The thought that a few babies and mothers have a had a little healthier environment to bring new life into this world has definitely been the most rewarding work I have done to date.
Q: Where do you go online to find inspiration?
Brett: Instagram, I love it. I love seeing images of innovative design ideas and wood working. It gets me inspire daily. 
Q:  What’s one thing you wish every homeowner knew?
Brett: The one thing that I wish every homeowner knew was how to make their home safe and 
healthy. From fire safety, home security to healthy air quality, it scares me that so many people are living in a home that may be harming them.
You can see Brett at the Nashville Home + Remodeling Expo on Friday, March 13-15 live on our Main Stage. If you can’t wait check out Brett’s message to Nashville fans. Brett can be found online on his personal site and you can follow him on Twitter and on Instagram.